There a quite a few little packs the Video Copilot has put out over the last couple of years that you can download for free. Here are a couple of those.
The Future City Pack
The Valentine’s Day Pack
The Halloween Model Pack
Earth Project for Element 3D
Here are some non-Video Copilot Packs that I have found around the web. They are free to use for non-commercial use, and you can download them from their respective sites they are hosted on.
This is a pack of models made in Cinema 4D, and ready for Videocopilot Element 3D. All the models has textures, and you can add any image or logo to some of these models.
Free Grass Models for Element 3D
Today I’m giving away some grass models that were made in Cinema 4D and textured for use in Video Copilot’s Element 3D. Feel free to use them as you may. There is four different models in the pack, which includes the c4d file, and the textures for the diffuse, normal, and Ambient Occlusion channels within Element. Just import the c4d file in Element and under the textures channels import the textures accordingly. Then you can save them as a preset within Element for later use.
Free Space Shuttle Element 3D Model
Ever wanted to create your own Space Scene using Element 3D? I know I wanted to, but the amount of time it would take to model all the assets put me off. Then luckily, through an unrelated link I dropped onto the website and found that they had a large collection of space related 3D models that could be downloaded for free. You can check them out here. To save you time I created an Element 3D model preset of the Space Shuttle, so that you can drop it straight into your project,without the hassle of conversion and assigning materials.
Free iPhone 4 Model for Element 3D from Modio.TV
After many requests, we are happy to release this working iPhone 4 model for Element 3D. Show off your apps, play a movie or even better… make it spin in circles! There’s so much to do. All we ask in return, is that you consider sharing on social media. Enjoy!
Here’s a quick video tutorial to help you get started using the model in Element 3D.
Free Social Media Buttons from Mac Mave Studios
Free UFO Element 3D Model from Mac Mav Studios
3DS, FBX, OBJ & E3D Files Included
Motionfreaks Web Pack – Models for Element 3D
So, this site is in another language that I don’t really know… but I know if you press the Pobierz Button in red at the bottom, you can download the pack!
Free Car Model Seat Leon from and AAron Productions. The archive has a password attached to it: paprika
Models from Dreamworld Prathamesh – Now, the way this guy provides his models is either via Youtube, or Facebook. They always have a password attached, I don’t understand why, but I do know that they are free, and he has a lot of them. Well worth checking out.
Interior Accessories Collection Pack for Element 3D
This pack has a password attached:
Vehicle Pack V.1.0
This one is tricky, he links to this video for all the passwords, but it doesn’t have the actual Vehicle Pack on there, but there is a link to a file that has all the passwords. UPDATE: password is theDreamWorld360
Medieval Village Pack
Password is: itstimeforDREAM
Rocks Model Pack
No Password for this one.
Space Model Pack
No Password on this one.
Animal Model Pack
There is also a password for this one like the Vehicle Pack earlier. Similar Instructions. Again, I didn’t test this so download at your own risk.
Password is: cool
Free Vehicle Car Model
Password is:
Yes… its the Tardis.
This was made as an exersice in texturing and exporting models for use in Element 3D from Video Copilot.
Featuring high detail 4k textures with specular, diffuse and normal maps, this model i suited for very close shots. The Tardis model is provided in the .e3d format for Element 3D, native Cinema 4D (.c4d) format as well as a .obj file.
The GO – Bevels, Optical Flares Presets, and Models Pack
The GO Pack is a pack containing pre-fractured objects for use with Element 3D. It is particularly useful to those who do not have Cinema 4D or any 3d Animation Software.
Waskane on – Free Models
These are all .OBJ or .C4D files, but they go into Element 3D nicely.
The last link I wanna give you guys is a link to CGRiver’s Free Models. There are 71 models here, some of which are OBJ (which translate nice into Element) and some are for various other 3D programs. You may or may not have the program needed, but you can use Andrew Kramer’s Tutorial on how to rig models to make them move the way you want and to manipulate these models to work in Element.